The Justice of the Peace courts have original jurisdiction over Class C Misdemeanor cases with fine only, plus Justice and Small Claims Court cases where the amount in controversy does not exceed $20,000.00.
The Justice court has jurisdiction over all eviction suits and writs of re-entry. The Justice of the Peace may issue warrants for arrest plus search and seizure warrants. The Justice of the Peace also conducts administrative and magistrate hearings, which include bail settings, arraignments, driver's license suspensions, peace bonds, examining trials, stolen property and illegally towed vehicles. The court collects fines and fees for various civil and criminal cases filed. The Justice of the Peace performs marriage ceremonies. The
Justice Court also has jurisdiction on truancy cases when the juvenile court has waived its jurisdiction, plus Failure to Attend School and thwarting cases have waived the jurisdiction.
Self-help information packets
See Self-Represented Litigants for more information.
Filing a Small Claim
Small Claim has been filed against you.
Debt Claim Has been filed against you
Filing an Eviction
Eviction has been filed against you.
Repair and Remedy